Town meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 P.M.

Town of Trail Creek General Information

Contact Information

211 Rainbow Trail, Trail Creek, IN 46360
Phone: (219) 872-2422, Fax: (219) 878-1235
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Council Meets Every Third Tuesday at 7:00 pm.
Crystal Frever
211 Rainbow Trail
Trail Creek, Indiana 46360

Dial 911 for all emergencies; the non-emergency number is 219-879-6700

Click here to download the information in printable format.

Garbage Pickup

The Town of Trail Creek has an annual Garbage and Refuse Assessment in the amount of $220.00. We will no longer be accepting quarterly payments as of January 1st, 2018 per ordinance 4-2017. Payment, in full, will be due on or before February 25th of the current year, by end of business day. An 8% late charge will be assessed on the unpaid balance if payment is received after the above date for the current years refuse assessment.

  Please place all garbage in the cart provided to you by Borden Waste-Away Service. If you have the need for an additional 96 gallon cart, you may call Borden Waste Away Service and have another can delivered to your home and they will bill you separately $36.00 for the year. Garbage pick-up will be on Friday, unless there is a holiday in that week, then pick-up will be on Saturday.

Every Friday, you may place 1 large item out along with regular refuse for pick up. Items with Freon such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and de-humidifiers, will not be picked up unless prior arrangements are made with the contractor. You may reach Lakeshore Disposal direct at (269) 231-5623. For a list what you can and cannot put out, as well as a Holiday schedule, please visit According to Code 32.5, no trash containers can be placed out for pick-up earlier than 12 hours preceding the scheduled pick-up day and containers must be brought in no later than 8:00 p.m. on the same scheduled pick-up day.

There will be a one time only collection day for real Christmas Trees the 2nd Friday in January.

Yard Waste

Beginning the first Monday in April, through the first Monday in November, Lakeshore Disposal will be collecting yard waste from your 96 gallon cart only, every Monday. Please DO NOT mix leaves with yard waste as there is a separate pick up for leaves only. Once yard waste has concluded for the year, you will be allowed one extra container of yard waste (NO LEAVES) with your garbage on Friday. 

Spring Clean Up

The Town of Trail Creek Street Dept will be conducting their annual Spring Clean up in mid April, please see our FB page as well as our web page for dates on Spring Clean Up. The street dept will be bringing the leaf machine around to pick up any remaining leaves you may have from the fall, and in a separate pile you may place any sticks, limbs and branches for pick up. Please remember NO sticks, limbs or branches are to be mixed in with your leaf pile as they will damage our equipment and the pile WILL NOT be picked up.

Leaf Removal

Leaf and brush burning is strictly prohibited. The Town of Trail Creek will provide leaf removal service in the spring and fall. Schedules are determined by the Trail Creek Street Commissioner . It will be posted on our web page and our face book page. Please remember NO sticks, limbs or branches are to be mixed in with your leaf pile as they will damage our equipment and the pile WILL NOT be picked up. The week of Thanksgiving will be the LAST WEEK of leaf pick up. There will be no exceptions. If you have remaining leaves after this date, they will be picked up in the spring or you have the option to bag them in paper refuse bags only which can be purchased at your local hardware store. Plastic refuse bags will not be picked up.

Storm Damage

As a courtesy, the Trail Creek Street Department will only collect sticks, limbs and large branches due to storm damage. Also, the Street Department will not be responsible for pick up of any remains of a tree trimming, tree, or trees that have been cut down or removed by a resident or a tree removal company/contractor. It will be the responsibility of the homeowner to have these items removed and disposed of properly.


Recycling is every other Friday. For a list of recyclable items and a Holiday schedule please visit

Semi-Trailers & Truck Tractors

Parking of all semi-trailers and truck tractors is strictly prohibited within the Town of Trail Creek.

Storage of Vehicles

Chapter 20, Section 20.08 (F) of the Town Code permits the storage of mobile homes, trailers, travel trailers, camping trailers, boats and water craft, in the SIDE OR REAR YARD ONLY from November 1st until April 1st. AT NO TIME may these items be parked on town right of way. No more than three (3) items may be stored on any one lot.

Building Permits

Building permits will only be issued to residence/contractors upon the Building Commissioner approval of the project. It is necessary to obtain a building permit for new construction or additions, outdoor storage sheds, interior renovations, electrical upgrades, plumbing improvements and driveways. Permit's may be downloaded and printed from our web page under the "town forms" tab or at the Town Hall.

For specific information on obtaining a driveway permit, please contact the Town Hall. Due to drainage issues, the Town Council requires that you notify the Town Hall, Town Engineer, or the Trail Creek Street Department before constructing a paved driveway or parking area at your residence.

Pet Information

Ordinance #180 requires that all animals be on leashes when walking in the Town. It is unlawful to let animals run loose, this also pertains to cats. Dog & cat licenses are required. Please bring current medical records and immunization information. The fee will be: $5.00 for spayed or neutered dogs/cats and $10.00 for all others. All dogs & cats 6 months and older must be licensed. Owners of unlicensed dogs/cats are subject to $1000 fine.

Wrecked, Junked and Abandoned Vehicles

No person shall park or store any wrecked, junked or abandoned vehicles on private property within the Town except in a garage or other enclosure so as not to be exposed to public view.

Garage Sale Permits

Each resident may have two (2) garage sales per year at the cost of $5.00 per sale, which will be valid for three (3) consecutive days.

House Checks

House checks can be performed courtesy of the Trail Creek Police Department. You may obtain a copy of this form at the Town Hall, or it may be found on our website.


The Clerk's Office is asking residents who move out of Trail Creek to please notify the Town Hall so that files may be brought up to date with the new homes owners name and phone number.