Town meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 P.M.


Notice of Stormwater Discharge

The following jurisdiction, the Town of Trail Creek, 211 Rainbow Trail, Trail Creek, Indiana 46360 intends to discharge stormwater into the following watershed:

Receiving Water (No. of Outfalls)
14-Digital Hyrdologic Unit ID
Trail Creek
East Branch of Trail Creek
West Branch of Trail Creek

And is submitting a Notice of Intent letter to give notice to the Indiana Department of Environmental (IDEM) that the Town of Trail Creek does intend to comply with the Indiana Code requirements 327 IAC 15-13 to discharge stormwater run-off ssociated with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4).

Inquires or Questions please direct to:

Town of Trail Creek
Town of Trail Creek Town Hall
Crystal Frever, Clerk/Treasurer
211 Rainbow Trail
Trail Creek, Indiana 46360
(219) 872-2422

MS4 - Stormwater Division Information

An MS4 is a public network of structures that convey stormwater run-off, usually to a stream, ditch or lake. They are a permitted stormwater drainage system. This collection of inlets and pipes help prevent flooding by directing rain water away from paved areas and into nearby waterbodies. Unlike a sanitary sewer system that treats sewage water before discharging it, a storm drain system simply conveys the water without treatment.

Municipal Separated Storm/Sewer System (MS4)

What is Stormwater?

Stormwater is water from snow and ice melting, as well as rainwater from storms. When rain or melting snow and ice fall or flow across natural surfaces like forests and grassy areas, most of it will soak into the soil. When it lands on streets, parking lots, and other hard surfaces, it runs off to another location like a storm drain or a local waterway. Watch “Blue is the New Green” for more information.

What is Stormwater Pollution?

As stormwater flows, or snow and ice melt, the waters pick up debris, nutrients, sediment, bacteria and other chemicals which enters the storm sewer system through drains and ditches, and eventually makes its way to our lakes, rivers, streams, ponds and wetlands.

Why is Stormwater Pollution something I should be concerned about?

When stormwater goes down the storm drains, it enters our water bodies untreated. This means that the water does not pass through the wastewater treatment plant for clean-up. This allows everything that is on the land, including grease, grass clippings, trash, pet waste, fertilizers, pesticides and many other pollutants to go directly into our water ways. This stormwater pollution can make our waters unsuitable for swimming, fishing or drinking. It also degrades habitat for our fish, wildlife and other aquatic critters.

We all have something to contribute when it comes to stormwater pollution. Its up to us if we want to contribute positively or negatively! Read our pages to find out more about how you can help reduce stormwater pollution!

Stormwater Pollution